The thought of long-term disability crosses everyone’s mind at least once in their lives. That thought can be really overwhelming. Many of us like to be prepared for the worst. When the odds are against us, long-term disability has become a reality, can really take a toll on a person’s life. They are no longer able to work. Implying that it has had a physical, psychological, spiritual and financial impact on their lives. When you apply for your claim, the insurance company, CPP or WCB might deny you your claim. This denial can only make matters worse. If you or someone you know is in that situation, reach out to Gertsoyg and Company. The lawyer will help you to fight for your right. Their experience will help them to help you get your disability claim. Having the lawyer by your side will help to make the process easier.

What is a Disability Insurance Policy?

‘Peace of Mind Contracts’ or Disability Insurance Policies and Critical Illness Policies are policies you pay a portion of your income. This is done to help you recover some part of your lost income, in case you become disabled and are unable to carry out work like you previously could. This disability could be due to an illness or a severe injury. The policy lists the illnesses and injuries which qualify for a claim. These policies can be taken privately by the individual. It is also sometimes included as a group plan, so it is considered a part of the employment package.

When do you qualify for a claim?

Many criteria are considered when qualifying an individual for the benefits. The basic one is that the person should be unable to carry out substantial tasks required from them for their job for 24 months. When the individual is unable to take up any job after the first 24 months are over or they are suffering from a prolonged disability.

Why are benefit claims rejected?

One of the common reasons for rejection is based on the alleged lack of medical proof of attendance provided by the individual. It is common for insurance companies to reject the claim. They do this with the idea that the individual will not pursue the matter further. When you hire a lawyer, it increases your chances of getting the entitled benefits. The lawyer will speak to your physician to determine your disability. If required, they will also consult other physicians to prove your disability.

Why do you need to hire a lawyer?

You must hire a lawyer even when you are filling out the claim. When the claim has been rejected, you might find yourself completely lost. The lawyer will help you to fight for the benefit. They may also file a claim against the insurance company for a breach of duty to treat you with the utmost care. As denial of a claim can add to the stress, they might also pursue a claim for punitive and aggravated damages.