Signs It’s Time to Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer after a Car Crash

Being in a vehicle accident may be a stressful and upsetting experience. In addition to any bodily or psychological problems, dealing with insurance claims and other legal issues may be overwhelming. While it may be tempting to handle things on your own, in certain circumstances it is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced vehicle accident attorney. Here are several indications that you may require legal assistance following a crash:

Significant Injuries Were Sustained

One of the main reasons to hire an auto accident lawyer is if you or a passenger in your vehicle suffered serious injuries in the crash that required medical care. Bodily injuries can include things like broken bones, neck or back strains, traumatic brain injuries, and more. An accident attorney can help ensure you are fully compensated for medical bills, lost wages, and pain/suffering resulting from injuries caused by the at-fault party. They know how to properly value injury claims and negotiate with insurance companies.

Liability Is Unclear or Disputed

In many car accidents, it’s obvious who was at fault based on objective evidence like traffic camera footage, eyewitness accounts, or admission of responsibility. However, crashes sometimes occur in ambiguous circumstances where liability is unclear or disputed between insurance providers.

For instance, if you were hit from behind but the other driver claims you suddenly changed lanes, liability may not be straightforward. An auto accident lawyer can independently investigate the scene, collect witness statements, analyze skid marks, and review any other forensic clues to determine the most likely scenario based on accident reconstruction science. 

Insurance Claims Are Not Being Handled Properly

Unfortunately, insurance companies do not always operate fairly and ethically when processing claims from their policyholders versus injured third parties. An experienced auto accident lawyer understands insurance practices and can advocate on your behalf to ensure proper handling as required by law.

They will keep insurance adjusters honest and push the claim through efficiently to get full and fair compensation for everything owed to you. Without strong representation, you risk being taken advantage of and ultimately receiving less than full reimbursement from a reluctant carrier.

Pursuing Lien Options against Third Parties

While your auto accident attorney handles negotiations with the at-fault driver’s insurance, a conveyancing firm may assist in other lien-related endeavors. For example, if the crash left you with ongoing medical bills and expenses but the other party’s policy limits fall short, a knowledgeable conveyancing provider could explore options to place health care liens against the liable party directly.

These types of liens are intended to recover medical costs from any future legal settlements or judgments the at-fault party may receive for things like lost wages down the road. Conveyancers know the ins and outs of relevant healthcare lien laws to maximize recovery potential for clients.

Obtaining Vital Records Quickly

After an accident, your attorney will need various records and documentation to fully investigate claims and build the strongest case possible. Conveyancing specialists have expertise in rapidly acquiring items like police reports, EMS run sheets, witness contact info, DMV records, and certification of no insurance through public records requests.

Getting all necessary documentation in the attorney’s hands quickly allows them to promptly perform crash reconstruction analysis and liability determination. Conveyancers use specialized software and databases to obtain critical records expeditiously, aiding the legal process.