Whenever one partner in India chooses to dissolve the relationship for whichever reason, it is known as a one-sided separation. A one-sided divorce is when just one spouse wishes to end the union and has valid reasons for divorce. As even the term suggests, the husband and wife strive to get the best results from a divorce proceeding and choose a divorce attorney in India to advocate for them. Separation is a legitimate means to end a relationship whenever one or both partners cannot coexist as a couple. There seem to be two types of divorce in India one-sided divorce and divorce by consent of both parties.

If both partners decide to dissolve their relationship, it is known as a mutual consent divorce, and because both parties want the marriage to be ended it can be finalized more quickly. Whenever one spouse refuses to separate from the other, it is referred to as a one-sided separation in India. One-sided separation is also known as a contested divorce. Do see the best divorce lawyer in bangalore over here.

Reasons for an uncontested divorce

The reasons for one-sided divorce are explained by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. These grounds for one-sided divorce are usually encountered in several private and general laws that govern India:

  • Adultery
  • Cruelty
  • Abandonment
  • Conversion
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Communal Illnesses
  • Inference of Death
  • Leprosy
  • Renunciation of the world

In Indian courts, the basic pattern is prescribed to contest a one-sided divorce:

  • A skilled legal practitioner in India should create a disputed divorce application that details the issues and difficulties that already have emerged as a consequence of the relationship in addition to the reasons upon which the applicant seeks to pursue a separation after seeking divorce counsel and choosing the right court. The judge would summon the other party and advise them that their partner has submitted a divorce application when the separation application is submitted.
  • Response from the other party- Following the acquisition of the notice to appear, the opposing partner is required to respond with a reply to the petitioner outlining their view on a one-sided divorce. Furthermore, if the other party does not show up for the hearing, the judge may still proceed and issue a decision using only one side’s testimony.
  • Last arguments: Following the filing of the evidence, the parties will hold their final arguments. The most crucial factors in a court’s decision to terminate a marriage are indeed the closing statements.
  • Divorce decree: After hearing all of the reasons, the court renders a decision and publishes a one-sided decree of divorce.
  • Following the issuance of the divorce decree, the divorcing couple signs the divorce documents. Now that the divorce proceedings are over, the union is regarded as legally terminated. This results in an uncontested separation.


The parties should make a consensual divorce their first option. The parties may, therefore, pursue a one-sided or disputed divorce just on the aforementioned grounds if this is not practicable. To acquire the best legal counsel from a knowledgeable divorce attorney, one must obtain a divorce consultation.