What Exactly Happens During the Personal Injury Lawsuit Procedure?

It is totally fair to be concerned about what will unfold during the claims process. In fact, it is always a matter of concern. However, you need to rest assured that your personal injury lawyer Newburyport MA has your best interests in mind. You can learn the fundamentals of what to anticipate next by reading this explanation of the stages of a claim. Read on to find out. 

Initially Consulted

You get the chance to describe the situation and ask any questions you may have throughout the session. It also provides the attorney time to evaluate the strength of the case and provide you with appropriate legal counsel. Only after concluding that the case is strong, would they enter into a fee arrangement.

Case-Based Analysis

Your attorney will investigate your claim by speaking with you and any witnesses, as well as looking over your history and medical documents. Your lawyer will be able to make decisions about how to proceed with your case using the data and records they locate.

Submitting court paperwork

A personal injury complaint must be filed by your attorney. This is typically the initial document in the lawsuit. They must make sure to deliver the complaint and other relevant documents to the defendant in this situation. The specifics of the incident and your injuries will be described in the complaint.

The Process of Discovery

The exchange of evidence is a part of the discovery process. A series of questions for the defendant from your attorney is sent. They might also ask for documentation. All of the witnesses in the case are subject to sworn statements or depositions from both parties. Medical professionals and accident reconstruction specialists may also be consulted by your attorney.

Making Claims and Pursuing Talks

Upon reaching your peak level of maximum medical improvement (MMI) progress, your attorney will make demands. Demanding recompense before you have fully recovered could leave you with insufficient funds to pay for additional treatments. Your lawyer will haggle with the at-fault party’s insurers once the extent of your damages is revealed.


The matter moves forward to trial if the parties are unable to come to an out-of-court settlement or agreement. The jury’s role in the trial is to decide whether the defendant is accountable. The defendant will be required to pay the plaintiff for the indicated damages if they rule in the plaintiff’s favour.